Thursday, August 16, 2007

Oh Find Me a Home

The Moose Nuggets are settled in temporary lodging on Elmendorf Air Force Base. Our rooms are very near the flight line. It sure is different listening to fighters jets take off and land rather than cargo planes. An F-15 took off this afternoon fully loaded with full after-burners and it literally shook the windows in our little apartment! I realize now how much I miss hearing the C-130s running on the flightline at night. It's come to be a very soothing sound. Also sorely missed is the base lake complete with geese and ducks. Will have to settle for foxes and caribou.

We have spent the last day looking for houses to rent. The wait for officer housing on the bases is 12-24 months. We have certainly seen some interesting things in the housing market here. There is virtually no zoning - so residential and commercial/industrial areas weave throughout the city. Most homes here are ZLL - duplexes, triplexes, small townhomes. We finally saw a single family home tonight with a yard, but it's definitely at the very top of our price range! Almost every home is at least 2 levels with lots of tri-levels to conserve heat. We hope to make a decision over the weekend - although our shipment isn't expected until September 6th!

On our 10th day of driving, we traveled from Whitehorse to Beaver Creek. This was a change in plans due to the distance and condition of the roads being less than optimal! On the way to Beaver Creek, we stopped at an historic bridge, and who was parked there but - the African Children's Choir! I saw their bus and immediately recognized them from Ellen and American Idol. The kids were outside enjoying a break from the bus. They are currently on a 15 month tour of the US and Canada. You should definitely take time to check out their website (search African Children's Choir) as it is an amazing organization providing incredible opportunities to these children. When we pulled into the hotel in Beaver Creek, we were surprised to see, again, the Children's Choir! The next morning, they sang two songs at breakfast. One of the most moving performances we've ever experienced. Fortunately, the choir is headed to Anchorage, so we will have an opportunity to hear a full concert and find out how to become involved!

Our last night on the road had to have been the strangest. I guess we were a little punchdrunk and everything was just funny. We had reservations at Buckshot Betty's but changed our plans when we drove up and there were little huts a lot like the primitive ones at Camp Deer Run. Emily was NOT staying there so we went down the road to a large "lodge" which did have rooms. As Mike was checking in they kept stressing, "We have a TV in the lounge." That didn't seem so significant until we got in the room and there was no TV, no phone, and, of course, no internet. Emily marched into the hallway and declared," Have you been in the room? There is NO TELEVISION!" But the room which might have been 12 x 12 had four mirrors. We did eat dinner at Betty's which is the only place that serves lunch. The "townspeople of 116" are trying to get Betty to stay open this winter as she is the only person that cooks. Nanny Nugget identifies and almost went to the kitchen to help her with dinner. Anyway, we survived the night. Mike was the only one brave enough to shower and it wasn't so much a shower as a mist. Emily stood up to the sink, at a heighth of preschoolers, and said, "As soon as I spit this out, WE ARE LEAVING!" Oh me.

So we are now sitting on a rock in front of Border's borrowing their internet. Yes, they are closed as it is 10:30 - the Moose Nuggets don't feel like it's bedtime when it's not dark! Tune in tomorrow for the rest of the story.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Buckshot Betty's and large "lodge" reminded me of the movie 'Vacation' when Chevy Chase (Clark Griswold) rented the tent accomodations in NM or AZ...the wife goes to the first tent and says, "ohhh clark, this tent smells" Clark yells, "Aunt Edna, this is your tent!"
And also when he checks in to the tent motel...asks if the tents come with television and clerk says something like..."no, but they do come with free live scenery."

Guess one thing about living on the base...if we are attacked on our Western flank, or our Asian Pacific interests are threatened you will be one of the first to know!