Friday, August 17, 2007

Extra! Extra! Read all About It

The late evening sun, 9:45 that is, cast some really long shadows. We shadowed danced for a while. Yeah! The Moose Nuggets have a house. Selling point for it, besides a back yard for Fern, is that David can walk to school!!! The elementary, which goes through sixth grade, backs up to the homes across the street. So, as soon as their belongings arrive they will have a home.

Mr. Truck Driver, rest assured that if we are flanked or attacked, we will inform you quickly. Perhaps you will want to head right out and jog to see if anything interesting flies overhead.

The blog tonight is pretty random in chronology. Just some pictures that we wanted to share.
We really thought we were a long way from home!
Good shot of the Smith brothers, Scott and Mike.
A super grin from David. Sarah, hope you like this one!
Random chronology! Just outside of Anchorage we saw this road sign. Would have been nice if this had been our address.
We were so excited to see the African Children's Choir at this stop. The children were so sweet and the volunteers so obviously committed. I can't imagine touring with a bus load of children for 15 months.
This dog seemed to be the friendly greeter at the wagon bridge. His head was bigger than Emily's and David's combined.
Old wagon bridge used during the gold rush with some of the nuggets and a BIG DOG.
Mike and David at Buckshot Betty's. I believe she has the only computer with internet in the town!


Anonymous said...

10-4....keep your head on a swivel at all times.

That is a beast of a dog. Not even sure Michael Vick could injure that one.

Anonymous said...

Anxious to see some photos of Anchorage! Especially of the house and David's school. Guess what... Mr. Truck driver called me yesterday! Most interesting.....

Anonymous said...

Who is Mr. Truck driver?
Your trip sounds fantastic and I will certainly find out about the African Choir.

I have enjoyed reading about your travels and maybe it is ok, Emily, to have no tv. however, water for showers would be nice.
Anna, don't read the rest of this.
Maybe you would like to adopt Garret the dog (aka Cujo). Ate John jeans..tore them to shreds. Broke out of his cage in my loft and managed to eat part of the pad for the tread mill...and somehow moved the tread mill about 4 ft.

Anonymous said...

Marianne, cannot believe there was a Lockney sign! Appropriate since it was around birthday time.

Emily, having made the trip to Denali, make sure you go when there is not a cloud in the sky for miles around. It can only be seen about 20% of the time. Also the highest concentration of bears...broun and black. Read about those kind you hit the ground and play dead while he mauls you and the other make noise and run like hell...and they can run faster. So be in the middle of the crowd.