Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Day 11--Mile 3590 Beaver Creek YT to Mile 4005 Anchorage AK

Well, once we got close to Anchorage, we just had to drive on in. So, the nuggets have finally arrived. No more gas by the liter at $1.30 or so, no more kilometers and multiplying by .62, and no more ordering lunch meat by the gram!! We really enjoyed Canada, but are glad to be back on home soil. Tomorrow will be spent trying to get checked into base lodging, doing some laundry, and preparing a home cooked meal!

The day had several highlight and I have pictures of some that will be posted tomorrow. The one thing we most wanted a picture of eluded us, although we did actually see a moose and baby. They were quite a distance but there was no mistaking the way they moved.

So, join us tomorrow as we recap the trip and share a few things that we haven't shared before.

Until tomorrow in Anchorage . . .


Anonymous said...

So glad the wheels have finally stopped turning for you nuggets. I guess you know Andrew's weather in Nashville was 50 degrees hotter than you lucky people up there. Am anxiously awaiting the next blog. Congratulations Emily on your lucky drawing for the September trip up to Mt.McKinley!! Less than 100 miles? Wonder if that truck driver has been up the tallest mountain in North America?

Sarah W. said...

So...looks like I get my first tropical storm in Houston. Her name is Erin..and she should drop about 5 inches of rain on me tomorrow along with 40 mph winds. Yippee!

Anonymous said...

Goofy metric system. I like what Homer Simpson said about it...

It's groups such as the Masons that secretly keep the metric system from taking over America the way it has taken over those European countries where people drive on "autobahns" and drink "schnapps" and have "free health care."