Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Incredible Journey 2, Doggie Daycare, and Glaciers

After an incredibly long day of anxious waiting, we finally picked our animals up at the airport. The airport scene was chaos so very few pictures were taken there. After a short ride home, Fern was instantly back to her favorite activities:

PLAYING (with her new cow toy - yes Daddy Mark, it squeaks, and we will bring it home for Christmas!)

and BEGGING (learning how to beg Alaska style)

The cats were also soon back to their normal activities: Girl Girl hiding (look UNDER the table) and Vader lounging on HIS furniture.

They wasted no time getting some love!

We missed them so much, and we are so grateful to everyone who helped take care of them and get them back to us!

Since Fern has gotten here, she hasn't wanted to spend much time outside. It's really too cold for her, and she doesn't have anyone to play with during the day! So.... against Mike's wishes, we started exploring doggie daycares. We were soon to discover that there are waiting lists at the 'good' doggie daycares in town. However, Arctic Tails told us that although there was a waiting list, we could come in for an 'evaluation' to see if Fern would fit in well. OH MY... So, one day last week, after work, I loaded Fern up in the car and drove her to Arctic Tails. I should have known it would not go well when I had to PUSH her through the door! She acted like an idiot! She would not play with another dog, sniff another dog, would not even look at another dog! She tucked her tail and rolled her eyes all around. She also had what I call 'tense lips'. If you've ever had a Boxer - you know what I mean! The owner of the daycare threw some toys for her, and Fern pretended she didn't see them. A little pug ran up to play, and Fern started trembling! Like I said, it did not go well. So they told us they would 'see if they had room' and call us. So, I guess they felt sorry for us, and our 'single layer coat' dog, and they called to offer her a Monday space. So, we get to go on Monday, and I'm assuming if her behavior improves she can come other days as well!

We spent a lot of time over the weekend talking about daycare and about all the fun she would have playing with other dogs. Monday morning, I saw this, and knew things might not go so well....

We talked, we sang "Good Morning to You", we even scratched her back... but she would not get up! So, finally a big push from Mike:

The push prompted this, and after the final stretch, she was out of bed:

On our way to doggie daycare, Fern got to see her very first moose! There are actually 2 moose, a baby on the left and mom on the right. Fern growled very quietly, but she had her nervous eyes on!

Well I've been trying to post this for over 12 hours and blogger won't let me post any more photos - so more to come when it cooperates! By the way, it's 26 degrees this morning!


Marianne said...

I have laughed out loud at the pictures of Fern not wanting to get out of bed. She is like a bad, bad teenager! Of course, if EVERYONE had been up, she might have not longed to snuggle until noon. I can just see her with her "tense" lips. I wonder what Graham would do if he saw a moose. Seriously. He is such a scaredy-cat.

The great room looks as cozy as I hoped it would. I love your Alaskan home. Can't wait to visit.

Hope the hockey game was fun. Anxious to hear about the "pink" ice.

Love the nuggets,

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to see that things are going well with you and your family. I can not believe that you are living where it is 26 degrees!!! You were so cold natured in school. I love the pictures of you and David. He looks just like you and your family. Mom went to hear Andrew sing this weekend and she said he has a wonderful voice and is a handsome young man. I found your blogspot through Paige. Again, glad to see that you are doing well.

If you ever have time email me at lkcooper@jhsi.com
Lori Cooper

Anonymous said...

Dear Vader & Family,

I just loved the card that you sent me and want you to know that I will NEVER forget you. After looking at all of your pictures I almost cried from missing you so much.
Please take care of your little scaredy(cat?) sister and snuggle up to Fern wo she won't freeze.

Love you all,


Beck Boys said...

Oh the joys of winter. You will have to keep us posted on the weather and how the adjustment goes!

Pearson Family said...

THanks for the update! Don't you hate it when blogger gets an attitude!

Sarah W. said...

More pictures please....:)

Karl, Andrea, Kaden and Leland said...

How is doggie day care going? We are thinking about you and your transition phase...Christmas will be here soon and we'll look forward to seeing you then!