Sunday, August 5, 2007

Day 2--Mile 537 -- Mile 952 -- Denver Colorado

Note to self--always check the alarm clock in a hotel room before going to sleep!!! 6:18 and "Shout, shout, let it all out" was not the way we planned to wake up!

We weren't so sure about Kansas yesterday, but Sruti was right, just give it some time. It will grow on you. We were thinking just flat, but the land west of Salina was incredible! There is something really majestic about land that can feed so much of the world. So, we see corn, corn, corn, corn, tree, corn, corn, corn, grain silo, grain silo, corn, corn, -- you get the picture. And who knew that the world's largest prairie dog is in Oakley, Kansas? We spent an hour trouping around Prairie Dog Town looking at not only prairie dogs, but also injured animals brought here by game wardens for these people to nurse back to health. Pretty neat. Their latest arrival was a six-legged steer. Poor cow had an extra pair of legs sticking out from his hips. As we drove we kept seeing vibrant yellow fields in the distance and couldn't imagine what it could be. Rounding one of the two curves in Kansas, we encountered acres of bright yellow sunflowers. No wonder Kansas is the sunflower state.

After crossing the Kansas-Colorado border we began a new quest:
Spacious skies--check
Amber waves of grain--check
Purple mountains majesties--(in the distance) check
Fruited plains--check.

An added bonus to being in Denver is staying with Mike's brother, Scott, and his wife, Jenny. We enjoyed a wonderful dinner and good visit with them.

Join us tomorrow for the longest leg of the trip--Denver to Billings, Montana.


Anonymous said...

What about Fishy?

Sarah W. said...

Be very jealous....Fern dog is cuddled up next to me under the covers. What you shouldn't be jealous about is the fact that she has terrible gas. She and Graham are having such a good time. He needs a puppy.

Emily said...

Fishy has made it yet another night! It took him a while to thaw out after a 60 degree night at the Don't Drop Inn. He's still on hunger strike, but at least he's not floating on his side. Mike's prediction of death by Edmonton still stands.... I'm still holding out for Fishy!

Anonymous said...

Am enjoying reading of your trek. Keep driving carefully.
Byron W

Anonymous said...

Just braved the heat to fill hummer's feeders. As I was about to remove one, a hummer flew down about a foot away and just stared and "hummed" at me. Well, I froze, and he finally drank and drank getting off every now and then and getting within 6 inches, ataring at me again. Back to drinking until another stopped by, and off they went doing whatever they do. Fun.....

Anonymous said...

Enjoying your descriptions of your trip. Hope you are stopping to experience some of the local culture.