Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Day 4--Mile 1532 - mile 1532-- Billings, Montana


Well, we almost never left Billings as the fish required an hour long stop at PetSmart. You should remember that Fishy is a four-year old beta. Seems that he is on a hunger strike. He really doesn't like rough roads and we aren't sure whether or not the plastic Tupperware container is making him sick. He keeps swimming in fast circles and banging his head against the side of the container. We kept the heat light in the bathroom on last night hoping he might feel better. So, Emily, who has great compassion for all creatures, has diagnosed Fishy with mouth fungus and fin rot. These conditions are in addition to his hunger strike. We hoped that some tasty treats might help the situation. So, first he got a serving of frozen blood worms equal in mass to himself. You should know that Fishy hasn't eaten more than a tablespoon of his food in the four years that he has lived with Mike and Emily. Imagine his shock when this big HONK of blood-worms came crashing into his water. Anyway, they began to thaw and were going to muddy up his water, so back into PetSmart went Mike and Emily to buy water treatment or perhaps antibiotics for his other maladies. As it all ended up, he is in the same water he has been in for the past week, still hasn't eaten, but has been rescued, by strainer, from the attack of the frozen bloodworms and is in a new container. Please pray for Fishy and the humans with whom he travels!!

More about day four in the morning. We did finally get out of Montana!

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